Tuesday, February 9, 2021

On Fleek: Clerical Dress

I realize that in the Autocephalous Catholic world we spend a lot of time on dress. It is a natural human tendency to want to look nice, especially when you're approaching the God of the Universe. But there are a few abuses I feel compelled to address which I have seen over the years. I don't mean to imply that those who have committed them do not know the liturgy and I realize that dress is relatively unimportant. I do think, however, that it is important for us if we claim a Catholic heritage with the corresponding dress that we wear things as they were intended. To not use them correctly risks us being viewed as unlearned or "dressing up."

This article is primarily for those who claim to be Independent/Old Catholic and I will use terms proper to the Roman Catholic Church. Anglican/Orthodox traditions are outside the realm of this article and churches which claim apostolic succession but do not operate as "Catholic" churches are also not included and can do what they want (even if the sight pains me greatly).


ALWAYS wear an alb if celebrating Mass or concelebrating Mass (in the Novus Ordo). There is no such thing as not wearing an alb as the celebrant in the Western Church. Especially if you have on a habit or a cassock. I have heard it said "Pope XYZ gave a dispensation to the Franciscans." Nope, nope, nope. Even the Dominicans wear albs with white habits.1



If you are the celebrant, the biretta is worn only to process in and out of the sacristy, when seated, and at the homily. It is not worn like a zuchetto throughout the liturgy.


Choir Dress

If a bishop is in choir and not participating in the liturgy, they should not wear a mitre or carry a crozier. Choir dress is mozetta (or mantelletta), rochet, and cassock. No extra bits and not a cope over a mozetta. N.B. there are a few times when a bishop wears a mitre with a stole and rochet, like consecrating a chalice, but these are extraordinary and need not concern us.



The Fascia is only worn with a cassock. It is not a cincture for an alb.4

Chasuble Under a Cope

Don't do it ever. Even for a second. Just don't. In this case, less is more. 2


Take off the zuchetto at the preface and return it after communion. Please, please do not wear it with a suit.


1. Image PadreRenzo

2 Image: Komanec1

3 Image: Gugganij  

4 Image: Valter Campanato/ABr - Agência Brasil